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Why you should love Big Brother

David Kimbell


In 2013, 29-year-old Ross Ulbricht was imprisoned. Crime: Money laundering. Sentence: Double life plus 40 years. No parole.

In short, he ain’t never coming home.

The same year, 30-year-old Edward Snowden involuntarily settled in Russia. Crime: Leaking files to the media, revealing how the US gov’t spies on its own citizens. US has made it clear what’ll happen to him if he ever sets foot in the US.

He ain’t coming home either.

The US gov’t taxes its citizens on income they earn anywhere in the world, regardless of where they are domiciled. So far, the US is alone on this score. (But keep an eye on the tax laws where you live.)

Politicians in the US, Canada and Australia are increasingly clamouring for a “wealth tax”, which would strip you every year of a percentage of your after-tax accumulated wealth. (Above an “unspecified” income level.)

Hey, no problem. I’ll just leave. Swap passports.

But most western gov’ts require you to prove that you no longer own property in your current country. The burden of proof is onerous. (Assuming you can get the relevant gov’t office to talk to you — Most of them have been closed down the last year. Pandemic on, doncha know?)

Andrew Henderson of Nomad Capitalist reports that Americans abroad applying to give up their American citizenship are increasingly being told, Nope. American you stay. No reason given.

Feeling free?

Oh sorry. Should’ve asked first:

Do you love freedom?

Or do you love POWER?



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