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The Law of SUBtraction
Uh oh, not another one of those Law-of-Attraction cult peeps . . . .
No, no. Nothing like that.
This is different:
What’s the stuff you’ve already attracted that isn’t doing you any good? Get rid of it.
Simple. (In theory.)
Reality? Calls for Gumption. And THOUGHT.
Last time I checked, both Gumption, and Thought, were Hard Work.
And the biggest obstacle? Getting started.
Remember your high school physics? Static friction exceeds dynamic friction?
In plain English, it takes more Oomph to get an object moving, than it does to keep it moving.
I had a fascinating chat the other night with a decluttering coach. This lady helps other women whose homes (and heads) are full of STUFF.
She once had the problem herself. Clutter had built up all over the house.
So, a friend told her, Don’t. Just take ten minutes to clear off the front of your fridge. That’s it.
Eh? You gotta be kidding.
But deciding there was no harm in not trying, she ran with it.
Ten minutes later, the kitchen looked waaaaaay brighter.
Ten minutes turned into an hour. She’d cleaned the WHOLE fridge, front and back, inside and out. Old magnets and coupons, jars of expired food . . . . gonzo.
She was hooked. A year later, she’d done the whole house AND . . . . found a new career as a decluttering coach. (Really. It’s a thing.)
She was FREE.
Law of Subtraction, see? Stick with me. More Subtraction stories to come.