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My 9-step process to Great Ideas

David Kimbell


Most days, this works. Not always.

NOTE: No device, no social media. This is vital.

1. Be first one up in the morning (FAIRLY EASY)

Target: At least 30 minutes before anyone else stirs.

2. In kitchen, make Steaming Hot Coffee (EASY)

If diligent enough the night before, I’ve laid the pot, coffee beans and mugs out.

3. Place Hot Mug of Life beside sleeping daughter, and another beside sleeping wife (EASY)

I’m the family barista. Always have been. Just a service I provide.

4. Crawl back into bed with Hot Mug of Life (EASY)

And my journal, and Kindle. Left beside the bed the night before.

5. Look at my Grateful Expectations (FAIRLY EASY)

This is an index card, on which I’ve handwritten Who I Want To Be, in as much detail as I can muster.

6. Give thanks (SOMETIMES HARD)

For My Past (Wife, children, house, bed, brain, etc.)

And My Future (as per the Grateful Expectations — which God and I have defined together)

7. Still mind. Listen to Myself. (DEVILISHLY HARD)

Our minds are noisy places. — Marcus Aurelius.

No kidding!

But if I persist …. eventually …. the Ideas Begin To Fall, like magical fruit from heaven, into the open basket of my mind. Which I then scribble down, for later action.

8. Read some Ancient Wisdom (FAIRLY EASY)

Usually Deuteronomy, Psalms, or Proverbs, but anything from the Old Testament works. Sometimes also Plato.

9. Computer. Start writing.




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