My 8-Step Process to Building Your Own Grateful Expectations Index Card
I have an index card beside my bed.
On it are words & phrases. Gobbledygook to you; Life Purpose to me. Outcome of HOURS of thought and reflection. Still WIP.
Wanna know The Process 🧵 by which I got it? 👇👇👇
1. Pen or pencil, and index card.
Anything else is distraction.
2. Read some ancient literature (every day).
Periodically something will jump out, grab you by the throat and say, This Is Who You Need To Be.
SCRIBBLE (on index card).
3. Run some mind experiments.
Example: If I had 1 minute left to live …. how would I spent it? SCRIBBLE
1 hour? SCRIBBLE
1 day? SCRIBBLE. Week? Month? Year? Decade? etc. SCRIBBLE
And then …. get ready for it ….
4. If I had 1,000 years left?
Stupid question?
Nope. Because now you’re thinking big enough. It needs to be big enough, and something you and The Higher Mindagree on.
Key word there: agree
5. 1st thing in morning, last thing at night, review this index card.
Look at it like a painting, together with The Higher Mind.
What do you think?
Meditate on it.
Thank The Higher Mind for your Past and FUTURE Awesomeness. (Critical.)
6. Not right yet? Edit, rework, start over.
You don’t decide your destiny, you DETECT it (h/t Victor Frankl
That’s why it’s hard work.
7. Keep it handy.
You’ll get downloads from The Higher Mind at the weirdest moments.
It doesn’t have to be pretty. It doesn’t have to be words. (You think in pictures? Sketch. Songs? Poetry and chords.)
8. When you think you’ve got it figured out, ask yourself:
- Will this be easy?
- Can I accomplish this by myself?
- Can I accomplish this in my lifetime?
If the answer is Yes to ANY of those questions ….
…. you’re not thinking big enough.