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Jordan Peterson just got a blockchain education. Now university administrators are peeing their pants.

David Kimbell
2 min readJan 12, 2022


I listened to Saifedean Ammous and Jordan Peterson talk for 2 hours about money.

No talk with Jordan Peterson in it is boring. Even so, there were some surprising statements for someone who isn’t a blockchain noob.

Key takeaways below:

Austrian economics:

Economic value is subjective. Economic calculations can’t be done by governments, only by individuals.

Keynesian economics:

No it isn’t. Yes they can, and they should.

“The 20th century is a story of punishing the most productive …

And rewarding those who are good at playing politics, because they’re right next to the money printing press.”

The climate change agenda results from this unshakeable conviction on the part of central authorities.

We’re smarter than you, we know best, leave us alone while we fix the mess.

Bitcoin remains the only fully decentralized crypto-currency.

“Altcoins are easy money. The supply of these coins can be inflated without much difficulty. There will always be reasons to print more money.”

“Students pay a lot of money. Professors don’t earn much.” Why?

“Most of the money is consumed by the bureaucracy, who expand faster, and who undermine the power of the politically-naive faculty.”

And here’s the quote that should have university administrators quaking in their boots:

“If I [Peterson] am well enough to go back to teaching at the university … I’m well enough to teach online! Where I can talk to guys like you every day, teach millions, learn while I teach, no admin overhead, direct-to-consumer.”

Is he thinking about starting his own university?



David Kimbell

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