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In 2021, these 4 insights reduced my stress by 90%

David Kimbell
2 min readOct 28, 2021

OK, maybe not exactly 90%. (Don’t really have an electronic stress monitor on my brain.

But my stress has gone waaaaaaay down, because of these 4 insights.

They’ll do the same for you, if you internalize them .

Here they are:

#1. Everybody is living with a monster called INGE inside them.

Everybody. No exceptions.

INGE = I’m Not Good Enough

Everybody feels they don’t measure up, some way, somehow.

So when they snarl at you …. it’s not you they’re reacting to.

It’s the INGE inside them.

When you really internalize this …. it becomes almost impossible for someone to hurt you.

#2. Forgive EVERYBODY

No exceptions. No matter the offence.

Not because they deserve it. (They don’t.) But because YOU do.

YOU deserve to be free.

Say aloud (as often as required) …. ”I forgive _______.”

(You know whose name to insert.)

Works every time.

And there’s one person especially you need to forgive:

#3. Forgive YOURSELF

Same again, say it aloud (every day). “I forgive myself.”

The earlier in the day, the better.

You don’t expect everyone else to be perfect, do you?

So don’t expect it of yourself.

#4. Avoid passing judgement

The old adage: ”Don’t judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes.”

HINT: You will NEVER walk a mile in their shoes.

So that chap or lady across the street behaving badly? That’s just their INGE running riot with them. Cut them some slack.

You will never really know what’s it’s like to be them.

Implement these, turn them into mind habits …. and your stress will go waaaaaay down.



David Kimbell
David Kimbell

Written by David Kimbell

Curiosity. Questions. Simplicity. Principles. Meaning. The Vital Few, not the Trivial Many. Be your own Chief Questions Officer.

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