How you answer this powerful question determines your self-image and long-term income
Learned this while reading Paul Rosenberg’s Production vs Plunder.
It’s the most awesome question. It has improved my general mood and self-image enormously. And while I’m not wealthier (yet), I suspect I will be. If self-image and income have been a struggle for you (as they have for me), you will benefit hugely from changing how you answer this question.
Here it is:
How you answer determines whether you’re a positive-thinker or neurotic.
Violent or non-violent. Optimist or pessimist. Successful or unsuccessful. Creative or controlling. Money-attracting or -repelling. Searching for a better life, or just trying to survive.
It’s a choice you make. Every day.
Zero-Sum thinking: If you’re winning, I must be losing
C’mon, there’s only so much money to go around, yeah?
Only so much Cash in circulation? TRUE. Only so much Value in circulation? FALSE. No limit to that, except the limit you place on yourself. If you succumb to Zero-sum.
Then you have no choice but to be violent to survive.
POSITIVE-SUM thinking: If you’re winning, I’m NOT losing (and I can win too)
Your neighbour became a millionaire?
Zero-Sum says, He stole it! POSITIVE-SUM says, I’ll celebrate with him, and ask him how I can do it too. Yes, somebody else’s bank balance did go down in order to make your friend a millionaire. But only because your friend gave so much product/service in exchange.
POSITIVE-SUM: No matter which direction the cash travels, both parties feel like winners.