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FACTS about MONEY my parents never taught me
Because they didn’t know any better. Nor did theirs ….
Money isn’t ICKY, it’s AWESOME. Rabbi Daniel Lapin argues that in the Biblical narrative, God invented Money before he invented People. Because ….
Money is anti-violence. Just two kinds of transactions between people: Positive-sum, Zero-sum. I pay you money, you provide me a product/service, we both walk away feeling like we won. Positive-sum. I hold a gun to your head until you deliver, I win, you lose. Zero-sum. Guess which one’s better?
Money is easy to come by. Most of us were taught the opposite. (The expression “hard-earned dollars”?) You just have to know how to motivate and attract it to you.
Money has a lifeforce of its own. It likes to move around. It doesn’t like being trapped. Kinda like people, really.
Money hates being equally distributed. Like matter, which attracts matter. Money attracts money. 80/20 Principle. (Despite a century of “progressive taxation” designed to correct this injustice. Has it worked? NOPE. In fact, now it’s 99/1.)
Money goes where it is welcome. Most people don’t welcome it, so it stays away.
You’ve got waaaaaay more value-creating potential in you than you know. Learned this when a guitarist pal invited me to jam with him. Discovered I knew how to rock! (And I did.) Wondered, If that was in me all this time, is it possible there’s more besides?
Fast forward: YOU BET THERE WAS/IS.
Same goes for you.