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3 things about Twitter Spaces (and why they matter to serious tweeters)

David Kimbell
2 min readApr 21, 2021


People are hungry for real, honest, interesting conversation

With interesting people, interesting topics.

In a CROWD. Why are Jordan Peterson and the Intellectual Dark Web the phenomenon they are? In Jordan’s case, it’s partly the crowd he appeals to. But largely it’s because he puts his image on the line by standing on a stage in front of a crowd. He’s willing to think by speaking on the fly. His reputation could end in tatters. The crowd knows it.

Think: Gladiators, Coliseum, Rome.

Listeners win, but Speakers win BIG

Listeners have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What’s not to love? Simple: Part (if not all) of the crowd are pulling for the Speaker. The Speaker knows, too. All Speaker has to do is be honest, forthright, and exercise their intellect. Result? Everybody wins, but the Speaker’s image SPIKES. First time I spoke up in a Space, I was astounded to gain 8 followers in just 20 minutes. And the Space wasn’t even over!

Oh, btw: Twitter Space Hosts win even BIGGER.

The third Speaker to join a Space, starts the snowball rolling

Two people make a private conversation. Oooh, scary.

But three? Game on! I was the third into a Space, and within 15 minutes, we were up to a dozen.

(Spoiler alert: I’ve applied to be a Twitter Space Host.)



David Kimbell

Curiosity. Questions. Simplicity. Principles. Meaning. The Vital Few, not the Trivial Many. Be your own Chief Questions Officer.